Nocro Mens Products

Project Scope

  • Enhanced Brand Logo and Elements: Update and refinement of the existing logo, incorporating new brand elements that align with the modern, masculine aesthetic of Nocro Men's Products.
  • E-commerce Website Development: Creation of a custom e-commerce platform on Webflow, featuring detailed product pages, an intuitive shopping cart, and a secure checkout process.
  • Animated Product Feature Cards: Development of interactive product cards that execute a 360-degree flip on click, providing a dynamic shopping experience.
  • Parallax Scrolling Effect: Implementation of a sophisticated parallax scrolling effect on the homepage, creating a visually engaging user interface.
  • API Integration with Fulfillment Center: Seamless integration of the website’s API with the fulfillment center to ensure efficient order processing and inventory management.
  • Website Security and Optimization: Enhancement of website security measures and optimization of site performance across various devices and browsers.

brand elements

image one description

image two description

image three description


Spring 2024


4 weeks


Web Design

In the custom build of the Nocro Men's Products website, we brought design and technology to the forefront, creating an engaging and visually appealing online presence. The project included an enhancement of the existing logo and the introduction of new brand elements that echo the brand's modern aesthetic. We constructed a sleek e-commerce platform on Webflow, tailored specifically for their men's eye cream line. One standout feature is the animated product feature cards, which do a 360-degree flip when clicked, providing an interactive product experience. The homepage has a stunning parallax scroll, enhancing the visual journey as users navigate the site. The website's API seamlessly integrates with the fulfillment center, streamlining order processing and logistics. Other enhancements include responsive design, optimized loading speeds, and security measures to safeguard transactions.